Nissin Korean Hot Chili Chicken

Nissin Korean Hot Chili Chicken FrontI was pretty excited to crack this bag open to discover a new ramen. The Nissin Korean Hot Chili Chicken title led me to believe this was Nissin’s attempt to tap into the Samyang hot chicken ramen market. Nongshim and a few other brands have released their versions of this and I guess it was mostly my imagination jumping to conclusions. On with the review….

Outward appearance of the package is that this is a small package with a small square block of ramen which is the case. I normally like these small ramen bags as they are a good size for a snack.

Nissin Korean Hot Chili Chicken Back

I wasn’t too surprised when I opened the bag and put everything into the bowl. A very straight-forward package with primarily powder for seasoning and a bag of oil for taste and texture.

Nissin Korean Hot Chili Chicken Contents Nissin Korean Hot Chili Chicken In Bowl

Well, the stage was set and I was hopeful that the lack luster appearance was deceptive and that I would be in for a treat. Unfortunately that  was not the case.

Nissin Korean Hot Chili Chicken SteepingThis soup does not taste like the Samyang Hot Chicken ramen and does not taste like anything remotely like a Korean noodle. If given the choice of this and a plain chicken flavored bag of Nissin ramen I might have to go with the chicken flavored option. I was very disappointed with these noodles. Nissin Korean Hot Chili Chicken Cooked

Some caveats and confessions on my part  would be that I did not prepare these as a dry noodle which the package clearly says to do. The expectations for these noodles were entirely arrived at on my own. The bland taste and general disappointment I’ll lay on Nissin though. I guess if they are trying to keep their loyal fans with bland and unappetizing noodles these should be a hit. Good luck Nissin.

4 out of 10

Consistency – Watery

Spiciness – What spiciness?

Ingredients – Powder and oil…no attempt at fake meat or dehydrated veggies

Noodles – The noodles were average, nothing to write home about


Nissin Korean Hot Chili Chicken










