Nissin Korean Hot Spicy Soup

Nissin did a better job of delivering what they advertised in this package. Nissin Korean Hot Spicy Soup is actually spicy but the flavor confuses me. The packaging is red with Korean soup in a black stone bowl. The soup inside the bowl is kimchi laden and you can see chilies sliced on the top of the soup.

Nissin Korean Hot and Spicy Soup Front Nissin Korean Hot and Spicy Soup Directions Nissin Korean Hot and Spicy Soup Ingredients

Inside the Nissin’s Korean Hot Spicy Soup I found one packet of seasoning and one small noodle puck. The noodles were a little lighter colored and the noodles thicker.

Nissin Korean Hot and Spicy Soup Puck              Nissin Korean Hot and Spicy Soup Puck Close

A single packet of seasoning is very common for Nissin.

Nissin Korean Hot and Spicy Soup Seasoning  Nissin Korean Hot and Spicy Soup Seasoning Powder

Steeped and ready to eat. The chilies shown on the package were plentiful. Sounds spicy and the kimchi should give it a bit of a twang I would think. That’s not what I noticed first though. The first thing I noticed was a black pepper taste and the heat gradually increased with each bite. The heat is not unbearable but it was unexpected from a Nissin ramen. I kept trying to distinguish individual flavors but was unable to other than black pepper which persisted throughout the entire bowl of noodles. The thickness of the soup was pretty good though. There must be some hardening agent in the seasoning packet. I’m not a huge fan of Nissin Korean Hot Spicy Soup but it is a decent bowl of ramen.

Nissin Korean Hot and Spicy Soup Bowl     Nissin Korean Hot and Spicy Soup Close

5 out of 10

Consistency – Mildly thick broth

Spiciness – This is spicy but it’s the kind of spicy that gradually builds and never gets too hot to handle but it is spicy.

Ingredients – The single packet of powder contained all the flavor and probably some kind of thickening agent.

Noodles – The noodles were fine and they had a oily feel to them when I was eating them. This wasn’t an entirely unpleasant experience.