FF Tom Kha Gai

FF is a brand that I wasn’t familiar with so when I saw their FF Tom Kha Gai I grabbed a bag and ran home to review it. I like tom kha gai and was hopeful before opening this package. The package shows a creamy tom kha gai and I looking forward to trying this out. The transliteration of the name is a little off in that it says Tom Kha Kai. The kai meaning egg while gai would be chicken which it says in Thai. Bonus for the Halal eaters out there, the package claims this is Halal.

FF Tom Kha Gai FrontFF Tom Kha Gai DirectionsFF Tom Kha Gai Ingredients

The noodle block was a pretty common small block that comes with most Thai noodles but the coloring was a bit darker than most.

FF Tom Kha Gai Brick

The single seasoning packet contained a creamy looking powder.

FF Tom Kha Gai Seasoning     FF Tom Kha Gai Seasoning CLose

From the first sniff this smelled of citrus. I like citrus though and tom kha gai should have some sour in it so all good right? Well that’s about where it ended. The seasoning powder didn’t seem to dissolve well into the water. This is a possible sign of lower quality and the soup wasn’t creamy or milky as tom kah gai should be. One of the key distinguishing features about tom kah gai from tom yum is the coconut milk and the sweetness and creaminess that brings to it. Couldn’t find that anywhere in this bowl of noodles.

FF Tom Kha Gai Close

There was a pretty good amount of oil in the soup without there being a separate oil packet. Perhaps I’m being hard on this bowl of noodles as it didn’t deliver the flavor I expected but it wasn’t all bad. Just not what was promised on the package.

FF Tom Kha Gai Bowl   

4 out of 10

Consistency – Watery and didn’t dissolve well with seasoning

Spiciness – This is spicy but only a little

Ingredients – The single packet of powder contained all of the seasoning and apparently a lot of lemon or lime seasoning.

Noodles – The noodles looked like the might be of a low quality but I’m not sure if that’s because of the ingredients and perhaps something being left out to make them Halal?