FF Tom Yum Shrimp

FF didn’t come out so well on their Tom Kha Gai noodles so I wanted to see if their FF Tom Yum Shrimp was any better. The packaging again says they’re Halal so I would think that this company specializes in Halal products. The wrapper show a very red soup with shrimp, lime, mushrooms and kafir lime leaf.

FF Tom Yum Shrimp FrontFF Tom Yum Shrimp DirectionsFF Tom Yum Shrimp Ingredients 

The noodle block look exactly like the Tom Kha Gai package from the same company. Darker in color and possibly not of good quality.

FF Tom Yum Shrimp Noodle Brick  FF Tom Yum Shrimp Noodle Brick Side

The seasoning included came in three packets. One for the flavoring and count them, one-two packets of chili oil.

FF Tom Yum Shrimp Packages

The seasoning packet contents looked like there might be some actual real ingredients in it.

FF Tom Yum Shrimp Seasoning Packet    FF Tom Yum Shrimp Seasoning Powder

The chili oil packets had a strong citrus smell which I though was odd. Generally I get that flavor from the seasoning packet. I added both because I’m not scared of a little heat.

FF Tom Yum Shrimp Chili Oil PacketFF Tom Yum Shrimp Chili Oil

The seasoning packet dissolved better than the Tom Kha Gai seasoning but the oil didn’t at all. In some noodles the oil breaks down into smaller oil droplets that float of the surface but these held together really well. I mixed the crap out of it to get the oil on the noodles with little success. The overall flavor of the noodles wasn’t bad and the two packs pf chili oil didn’t seem to make them to spicy at all.

FF Tom Yum Shrimp Close up FF Tom Yum Shrimp Cooked

I’ll rate these higher than the Tom Kha  Gai noodles from FF.

5 out of 10

Consistency – Oily and thin soup

Spiciness – This is spicy but with two packs of chili oil I expected it to have more heat.

Ingredients – The single packet of powder contained all the flavor and the two packs of chili oil added a lot of sour to the soup.

Noodles – The noodles were fine and they had a oily feel to them when I was eating them. They seemed better than the Tom Kha Gai noodles even though they looked identical. Perhaps the two packs of chili oil contributed to that?