Samyang Bajirak Kalgugsu

Samyang Bajirak Kalgugsu is a clam soup. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from our friends at Samyang in this pack. The package shows clams, mushrooms and a slightly flat noodles.

Samyang Bajirak Kalgugsu Front

I found two of three I mentioned but couldn’t identify anything that resembled clams. There are some bits that are dehydrated kimchi and various veggies.

Samyang Bajirak Kalgugsu Package Contents Samyang Bajirak Kalgugsu Opened

The broth ended up being slightly cloudy with a distinct clam taste. I’ve never had this before so I don’t really have anything to compare it to outside this review. When I get the opportunity perhaps I’ll try the restaurant version. This would be a great soup to crack open when you come inside from being out in the cold. It just has that, “I’m freezing” remedy feel and taste. The noodles were nice and wider than what you normally get from Samyang and I have to say that it went well with the flavoring and broth.

Samyang Bajirak Kalgugsu Cooked Bowl

Samyang Bajirak Kalgugsu Cooked Side View

6 out of 10

Consistency – Very thin broth but suitable for this ramen.

Spiciness – A little spicy and I like the way it went with the seafood flavoring.

Ingredients – It tasted clam-like but I didn’t see anything that resembled a clam.

Noodles – These noodles were flat and wide, hey were pretty good.