Maruchan Menzukuri Tonkotsu Pork

Maruchan Menzukuri Tonkotsu Pork hails from Japan and is produced by Toyo Suisan. This cup beckoned me and here we are. The packaging says it has 347 kcals and it looked like a pretty plain noodle bowl. The contents thankfully surprised me and changed my opinion. Don’t judge a book by its cover or a ramen by its wrapper, eh?

Maruchan Menzukuri Tonkotsu Pork Top

Opening this up, I was surprised at how many sachets were inside.

Maruchan Menzukuri Tonkotsu Pork Contents

The noodle puck was decent size and if you see the bowl it’s the same diameter as the bowl which is pretty standard.

Maruchan Menzukuri Tonkotsu Pork Puck Maruchan Menzukuri Tonkotsu Pork Puck Close

The largest of these was a giant bag of very light powder. I would guess this provides creaminess.

Maruchan Menzukuri Tonkotsu Pork Seasoning Maruchan Menzukuri Tonkotsu Pork Seasoning Powder

A small bag of oil was included and a very strong aroma of sesame emanated from it.

Maruchan Menzukuri Tonkotsu Pork Oil Maruchan Menzukuri Tonkotsu Pork Oil Contents

The package of dehydrated stuff held a very thin pepperoni looking thing. I did some research and this is apparently dehydrated chashu pork. Springs onions were in the package as well.

Maruchan Menzukuri Tonkotsu Pork Vegetable PackMaruchan Menzukuri Tonkotsu Pork Veggie Contents

Enough of the inspection, I dumped it all in the included bowl and filled to the fill line. Thanks Maruchan, I hate guessing at how much to put in.

Maruchan Menzukuri Tonkotsu Pork Bowl

First word that comes to mind after the first slurp was, “creamy”. Following that I’d have to say it wasn’t as plain as the packaging made it look. The pork flavor was very persistent while contributing to the overall balance of flavors. I wouldn’t say this is what I’d get in a ramen place in Japan but for packaged ramen somewhat close.

Maruchan Menzukuri Tonkotsu Pork Close

The dehydrated chashu pork was interesting as I’ve never encountered this before. It was really thin but had a meat-like consistency that I don’t run into in a bowl of ramen from a package so not too bad, thin though, very thin!

6 out of 10

Consistency – Creamy consistency, slightly oily

Spiciness – That doesn’t apply to this rating.

Ingredients – The large package of powder made it creamy and the oil added of course the oil floating at the top as well as added a sesame scent to the bowl. The chashu pork was the most interesting part. There were some chewy mushrooms for added texture and chewing.

Noodles – The noodles were long and cooked nicely to add the right amount of chewiness to the the meal.